

Apparently my crochet life has a unicorn theme going on - but this time it’s with a twist. My most recent creation is a donkey unicorn aka donkicorn. It’s kind of a joke for my team at work since we’re currently evaluating wants and needs for a tool that needs to be replaced. That project somehow acquired the code name Project Data Donkey and that morphed into donkicorn. Me being me, I decided we needed an actual donkicorn and got straight to work looking for a pattern on Ravelry to work one up.

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A Unicorn for Paisley

A Unicorn for Paisley

Last Thanksgiving-ish my best friend from home asked for a crocheted unicorn for her daughter, Paisley. I had big plans of finding a cute pattern that I could work up quickly in order to get it shipped off to her for Christmas. Unfortunately, work/life/laziness got in the way. Random pieces of unicorn ended up sitting in a bin from just before Christmas up until I returned from our Maui trip and was feeling crafty again. Read on to see the finished product!

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