Neat Ripple Blanket

Neat Ripple Blanket

Back when I first started crocheting, I could peruse Ravelry for hours looking at all the patterns for stuff I wanted to make. I came across the Neat Ripple pattern by Lucy of Attic 24 in 2014 and added it to my “things to make one day” list. In 2020 the pandemic arrived and turned the world upside down. Part of my way of coping was buying neat yarn (most of it mandala or cupcake) - the problem was that I bought the yarn without a plan for how to use it. After a ton of digging around on Ravelry (and referencing my “things to make one day” list), I realized the mandala/cupcake yarn was a perfect match for a blanket made of zigzags. This is where my first crochet blanket journey began.

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